Hello everyone! It hasn't been too long since my last journal entry but I have done a few more appearances since then so I wanted to write another one to keep everyone updated with what I am doing. It started on October 20th with a wonderful tour of the VOCM studios on Kenmount Road in St, John's. What a treat!!! Jay Taylor of CHVO (in Carbonear) met me at the front door and we started the tour in Carbonear. Yes that is right, we started in Carbonear - ok well

it was really the office that broadcasts CHVO to Carbonear. From there he showed me the weather room, the room where open line is done and then brought me into the VOCM studio where I got some great pictures taken and got shown how to use the equi

pment while VOCM was live. It was so much fun learning how everything works. But that wasn't all! While I was there I also got to see the offices of 99.1, K-Rock, Radio Newfoundland and Radio Labrador. Jay also found a spot on the 99.1 Hits FM wall for me to sign..right underneath Kim Stockwood! If that wasn't enough, I got treated to a very interesting time after that - I was brought into The Shed. Yes, that is right The Shed with Big Tom and to my surprise, they were on air and I got to meet Big Tom! Just when I thought my day couldn't get any better, Tom invited me on to the radio with him. Here I was in the Shed and going on air with Big Tom, he even let me request a song - which I dedicated to my dad!
After my wonderful tour it was over the Arts and Culture Center for the 18th Annual International Women's Film Festival. Here I got to see videos from many inspirational filmmakers and even a documentary entitled "Forgiveness: Stories For Our Time" which was absolutely amazing. The people who put this show together did such an

amazing job and I hope that there are many more festivals to look forward to.
The next morning started out down at Identity Hair Salon, one of the hair sponsors for the Miss Newfoundland and Labrador Pageant. This was to be a really exciting day - I was there to get my hair and make up ready for my Official Photoshoot as Miss Newfoundland and Labrado

r. Krista did such an amazing job on my hair and make-up and made me look great for my photoshoot. From there it was off to the Studio. Upon my arrival I was greeted by Kim Goodyear and Jennifer Gilliard, my photographers. The first part of the photoshoot took place in the studio where we took some great shots and had a really big laugh! Kim and Jennifer are so much fun to work with and we had a great time. After the studio shots we went over to Park House and took

some more shots. These ones were so much fun, I got to use the staircase and the couch to take some amazing shots, although it was very hard this time to get the more serious shots as I found that I was laughing so hard at Kim and Jennifer's jokes. After they had gotten the shots inside we realized that the weather had cleared off a bit and that we could go and get a few shots done in the park right next door. These ones turned out to be my favorite because not only was I getting some beautiful shots done but I also got to act a bit like a kid and play on the swing. It turned out to be a wonderful day and I couldn't wait to see how all of the photos had turned out. Thank you so much to Krista from Identity Hair Salon for the beautiful hair and make-up and thank you to Kim and Jennifer, the photoshoot was so much fun and the pictures turned out amazing (more photoshoot shots will be added in another blog message!).

On Thursday October 25th, I took part in the 3rd Anniversary celebrations of Envy Hair Studio, another one of the Miss Newfoundland and Labrador Hair sponsors. This event was great! I enjoyed speaking with the ladies at the studio as well as some of the customers and friends. Congratulations ladies on your 3rd year and I will be seeing you all soon!!!

That night I went back to my old High School, Carbonear Collegiate, where I took part in the opening ceremonies of the Provincial Student Leadership Conference. Hundreds of students from schools across the province traveled to Carbonear to take place in the weekend's events. From classes on learning how to dance the fox trot to learning how to blow bubbles, the students partook in a weekend of amazing adventures. I met so many young students and I was very honored to have been able to take part.
On Saturday October 27th, I traveled to Upper Island Cove to a

ttend the Upper Island Cove Fireman's Ball. This was a great function. I got to meet so many people that I didn't know and even a few that I had met previously. I was asked to say a few words to the firefighters and I was very and truly honored to be able to get up and speak directly to them. Thank you so much for inviting me to share in this event with you!
I am having such an amazing and wonderful time as Miss Newfoundland and Labrador and I truly enjoy all of the appearances I have done so far. I can't wait until the next ones. Please keep checking the website for updates on my appearances, journals and of course pictures of the events! And don't forget if you see me at an event please come up to me and introduce yourself, I would love to meet as many people as possible this year! Talk to you all soon!
Love Always,
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