This is just a blog to help keep everyone updated on what I have been doing as Miss Newfoundland and Labrador 2007-2008. I know everyone has been asking so I am going to use this blog to post things I have done and pictures for everyone to look at. ENJOY!!!
It has been a little while since my last entry but since then I have done some great appearances. It started on Remembrance Day where I was invited to the Royal Canadian Legion in Carbonear to participate in the Remembrance Day Ceremonies. The weather didn’t co-operate that day but the Ceremonies went ahead anyway, they were just moved inside the Legion. It was a wonderful Ceremony and was a great way to get together to remember the men and women who fought and are still fighting for our Country. I was honored to be introduced to some of the veterans and their families.
The next day I traveled to presents and bells, there was even a Christmas tree set up in the corner. We even got to dress up a little with reindeer antlers. First we helped with registration and then it was time to warm up and stretch. After warming up we started the walk around Quidi Vidi lake, adults, children, babies and dogs all joined in the hike around the lake. Thankfully the weather co-operated and it was pretty exhilarating. After the walk we were treated to free massages from the physiotherapists who were stationed inside the building to help relax everyone once the walk was finished. Then Kristi and I had some wonderful photo’s taken with some of the children who participated. Three children in particular helped make my day – a set of twins, Melissa and Mark, who won an award for the best costume as they were dressed like Santa and Mrs. Claus and Olivia, a little miracle with such an amazing story. These children put such a smile on my face that day. It is definitely something I will never forget. Kristi and I ended our day by getting pictures taken with the volunteers who helped make the walk such a success.
On November 21st I traveled to town to pick up some of my prizes. My first stop was to Abishot in
wntown to pick up my autograph cards. This was very exciting for me as I couldn’t wait to see what they had done with them! Once I got them I was soooo impressed by them. After leaving Print three it was off to Always in Vogue to get fitted for the fur coat for the
On November 22nd I participated in the VOCM Happy Tree Opening at the Avalon Mall. Once I arrived I was met by Kristi Bourne, Miss Central Avalon Achievement and the winner of the VOCM Charitable Activity Award, and Danielle Seward, Miss Teen NL. We started off the evening by reading Chr
istmas stories to the Children who were awaiting the awakening of Happy. The Children were so excited by the stories and gathered around to listen. After we read the stories I was asked to get some pictures taken and to sign some autographs. This was especially exciting to me as it was the first time I got to use my new autograph cards! This was one of my favorite appearances so far because I love working and playing with the children, they give you so much happiness and hope for everything with their cheerful attitudes. I absolutely loved it.
Today I was invited to take part in the Open House for the brand new chievement, Caitlin Noseworthy, Miss Teen Trinity-Conception, Jamie Korab, and some of the members of the Cee Bees Hockey Team spent a few hours with the staff at the opening. I was so glad to take part in this Open House. I was even lucky enough to get to wear Jamie’s Olympic Curling Gold Medal. It was so much fun and I know that this
That’s all for now! Please keep checking the website for updates on my appearances, journals and of course pictures of the events! And don’t forget if you see me at an event please come up to me and introduce yourself, I would love to meet as many people as possible this year! Talk to you all soon!
Love Always,
Sabrina Jenkins
August 4th , 2008 - Miss Carbonear Pageant
August 3rd , 2008 - Bay De Verde Heritage Days
July 26th , 2008 - Harbour Grace Regatta
May 24th -25th , 2008 - Miss Teen Western NL Pageant – Stephenville
May 15th, 2008 -
May 10th -11th , 2008 - Miss Central Avalon Achievement Pageant
May 9th , 2008 - Bowl for Kids Sake (Big Brothers Big Sisters NL) Holiday Lanes on Elizabeth AveHoliday Lanes on Elizabeth Ave Holiday Lanes on Elizabeth Ave
April 4th -6th 2008 - Miss Teen Achievement NL Pageant
March 29th, 2008 - Handicap Association Charity Event
March 15th , 2008 - St. Patrick’s Day Parade – Hr. Grace
March 1st, 2008 – 2008 Youth Cultural Conference Sessions in Carbonear Collegiate
February 29th, 2008 – Cultural Tourism Luncheon and Kitchen Party
February 22nd , 2008 - Youth Talent Show – Shearstown
February 21st -24th , 2008 - Carbonear Winter Carnival
February 19th , 2008 - My Town on Persona TV
February 16th , 2008 - Farewell party with 2008 Miss Teen Labrador Achievement contestants at the Two Seasons Inn (
February 16th , 2008 - Coronation Dinner with Miss Teen Canada Galaxy 2008 and the newly crowned Miss Teen Labrador Achievement (
February 16th , 2008 - Interview with CBC Radio (
February 15th , 2007 - Special Guest at the
February 15th , 2008 - Crowning of Mrs. Labrador Galaxy (
February 15th , 2008 - Miss Teen Canada Galaxy and Miss
February 14th -16th , 2008 - Miss Teen Labrador Achievement Pageant
February 12th , 2008 - Support Canadian Blood Services – Donating blood
January 22nd , 2008 - Pick up Miss
January 22nd , 2008 - Trip to NTV to Tape Public Service Announcement
January 17th, 2008 - Grand Opening of the
January 12th , 2008 - Official Opening Party of KIXX Country – Harbour Grace
January 1st , 2008 - Sparkle Parade – Harbour Grace
December 29th , 2007 - Bill Luffman & Friends Concert in Aid of the Handicap Foundation - Carbonear
December 26th , 2007 - Christmas in The Harbour - R.C. Hall - Bay de Verde
December 17th -31st , 2007 - Sabrina’s PSA airs on NTV
December 14th, 2007 – Harbour Grace Town Christmas Party
December 11th , 2007 - Taping of Public Service Announcement for NTV
December 9th , 2007 - Carbonear Christmas Parade
December 8th , 2007 - Christmas Party with the Handicap Association – Carbonear
December 8th , 2007 - Spaniard’s Bay Christmas Parade
December 8th , 2007 - Victoria Christmas Parade
December 7th , 2007 - Academy for Math and Science Christmas Party – Bay Roberts
December 6th , 2007 - Town of
December 2nd , 2007- Children’s Wish Foundation Tree Lighting
December 1st, 2007 – Tour of the Harbour Grace RCMP Headquarters
December 1st , 2007 - Children’s Wish Foundation Tree Lighting
December 1st , 2007 - Harbour Grace Christmas Parade
November 29th , 2007 - Opening Ceremonies for the Bay Roberts Festival of Lights
November 27th , 2007 - Judging the WHSCC Calendar Coloring Contest
November 26th , 2007 - Sabrina is on the Cover of the Herald
November 25th , 2007 - Down Town Christmas Parade - St. John’s
November 24th , 2007 -
November 22nd , 2007 - Happy Tree Opening
November 21st , 2007 - Trip to St. John’s to pick up Autograph cards and Coat from Abbyshot
November 18th , 2007 - Jingle
November 17th , 2007 - Remembrance Banquet and Dance-Carbonear
November 16th , 2007 - Shriner’s TV Auction
November 11th , 2007 - Remembrance Day Ceremony – Carbonear
November 5th , 2007 - Interview with the
November 3rd , 2007- Triton Fire Department Telethon
November 3rd , 2007 - Meet and Greet at PJ’s in Triton
November 2nd , 2007 - Tour of the Community of Triton
October 31st , 2007 - Janeway Trick-or-Treat Party - St. John’s
October 29th , 2007 - Mayors Walk (Heart and Stroke Foundation) in Memory of Claude Garland, Mayor of Carbonear
October 27th , 2007 -
October 25th , 2007 - Provincial Student Leadership Conference – Carbonear Collegiate
October 25th , 2007 - Envy Hair Studio 3rd Anniversary Party
October 21st , 2007 - Photo shoot with Kim and Jennifer
October 21st , 2007- Identity Hair Salon for hair and make up
October 20th , 2007 - Women’s Film Festival
October 20th , 2007 - On K-Rock’s “In the Shed” with Big Tom
October 20th , 2007 - Tour of VOCM with Jay Taylor –
October 14th , 2007 - Trinity Conception
October 13th , 2007 - Carbonear Fireman’s Ball – Carbonear
October 12th , 2007 - Youth in the Ocean’s Conference –
October 5th , 2007 - RCMP Roll over demonstration - Carbonear
October 5th , 2007 - Cross Country Regional’s – Carbonear Collegiate
October 5th , 2007 - KeyIn
September 29th , 2007 - Amateur Radio Convention –
September 29th , 2007 - Real Time Cancer Climb -
September 28th , 2007 - Shriner’s Children’s Hospital Gospel Concert – Carbonear
September 27th , 2007- Interview with the Compass
September 23rd , 2007 - Interview with Linda Swain – Nightline
September 23rd , 2007 - Interview with Persona
September 23rd , 2007 - Interview with NTV
September 21st -23rd , 2007 Miss