The day after I woke up to a very wonderful surprise – I woke up to find myself on the cover of the Newfoundland Herald! I was absolutely thrilled; especially since it turned out that I was on the cover for my birthday! I got a lot of great feedback about my article and pictures and I want to thank everyone for their wonderful comments! I truly appreciate it! I want to thank everyone who bought one! I couldn’t believe that the stores around here sold out of them so fast! It was such an amazing feeling to be asked to sign them too. For those of you who live away and didn’t get to see it and have asked me about it, I will try to get a copy online for you!
On November 27 I traveled to
November 29 brought me to Bay Robert for the Opening of the Festival of Lights! The town made a new record this year with over 25, 000 lights for their festival. It was such an amazing site. Caitlin, Miss Teen Trinity-Conception and I were fortunate enough to speak to everyone during the opening and get a lot of pictures taken with members of the festival, performers and of course some of the light displays. After the festival was over my family brought me out for a nice birthday dinner to warm up and it was the great ending to wonderful event!
On December 1st my day started out at 9 am with the Harbour Grace Christmas Parade. The parade started at the town Fire Hall and went around the town. I had such a great ride! I traveled in a horse and carriage for the whole parade and it was soooo beautiful. Caitlin, Miss Teen Trinity-Conception, Kristi, Miss Central Avalon Achievement, Laura, Miss Carbonear and Jillian, Miss
That night it was off the Harbour Grace RCMP detachment for the Children’s Wish Foundation Tree Lighting and a tour of the RCMP Headquarters. Kristi Bourne and I participated in the tree lighting with the members of the Wish Foundation, the RCMP and members of the community. We sang Christmas Carols, lit the Wish Foundation tree and took some pictures, then we headed inside to cut the cake. While inside I took a lot of photos with the members of the Wish Foundation, the Wish Bear, Winnie the Pooh, Frosty and the Youth Crime Prevention team. When that part of the night was done Kristi and I were given the grand tour of the RCMP detachment. We were escorted downstairs to the cells and told about some of the things that happened down there. The officers locked us in a cell for a few minutes to show us what it was like to be in the cell and they also took some mug shots of us. It was a very interesting tour for both me and Kristi. I want to send a special thank you out to the officers who took us on this tour. We had such a great time!
The next night I traveled to Bay Roberts to participate in the Children’s Wish Foundation Tree Lighting in that community. This time I was privileged to be able to take part with Caitlin Noseworthy, the reigning Miss Teen Trinity-Conception. Caitlin and I participated in the opening ceremonies, the lighting of the tree and of course some Christmas carols. Afterwards we were treated to some cake and hot chocolate to warm ourselves up. It was a very cold night but it was great to see the number of people who turned out to support such a great cause (on both nights). The Children’s Wish Foundation is a very dear charity to me and I was so happy to be able to be a part of both of these tree lightings this year. I want to thank Diane Butt of the CBN Chapter of the Children’s Wish Foundation for allowing me to take part in this event!
That’s all for now! Please keep checking the website for updates on my appearances, journals and of course pictures of the events! And don’t forget if you see me at an event please come up to me and introduce yourself, I would love continue to meet as many people as possible this year! Talk to you all soon!
Love Always,
Sabrina Jenkins
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